The Road Ahead to November 2024. Press Panel with YDN Alumni
Tuesday, February 20, 2024, 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM EST
Category: Events

Yale Club of DC In-Person Event
The Road Ahead to November 2024 Press Panel with YDN Alumni
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Airbus Conference Center 1101 Pennsylvania Avenue #800 NW Washington, DC 20004
Join six prize winning authors and journalists from the Washington Post and the New York Times to discuss the political dysfunction of the U.S. Congress - blocking solutions to critical problems at home and abroad.
Join the managing editors of the Yale Daily News to learn how free speech on campus is faring in today’s hostile atmosphere.
Participants include:
Steven Weisman - Moderator - Currently at the Peterson Institute, formerly Chief Diplomatic Correspondent, NYTimes
Julie Davis - Chief Congressional Editor, NYTimes; Coauthor: "Border Wars: Trump‘s Assault on Immigration"
Michael Crowley – Chief Diplomatic Correspondent, NYTimes; currently travels on assignment with Secretary of State Tony Blinken, State Dept. and foreign policy reporter
Isaac Stanley-Becker - Washington Post Investigative reporter on their national staff

Support the Yale Club of Washington, DC
The Yale Club of Washington, DC offers this event to our members and alumni. However, we do ask for your support in one or both of the following ways:
1) Please become a member if you are not one already.
2) Donate to the Yale Club of Washington, DC (see option on registration page).
Membership dues and donations are both critical income sources for the Club, which enable Club operations, programs, and financial viability.

Contact: Linda Luisi - [email protected]