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Yoga and Meditation with Reggie Hubbard ‘97
Thursday, February 01, 2024, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM EDT
Category: Events



 Yale Club of DC Virtual Event

Co-sponsored with the Yale Black Alumni Association

Yoga and Meditation with Reggie Hubbard ‘97

Thursday, February 1, 2024


This meeting will be conducted on Zoom.  Instructions will be provided upon registration

Virtual Yoga, with Reggie Hubbard ’97. Back by popular demand, we invite you to join Yale alum Reggie Hubbard ’97 as he leads us in a virtual yoga session to kick off the Yale Club of Washington, DC’s Black History Month celebrations. Come one, come all! Reggie makes yoga accessible for everyone, whether you’re seated at your desk, standing, lying down or cooking dinner. To learn more about Reggie, please check out his website https://activepeaceyoga.com.

About Reggie Howard '97

Reggie began his yoga journey in November 2014 seeking to alchemize and navigate extreme professional adversity.  Through disciplined practice, ruthless focus and surrender to inner peace he has adopted the yogic path, now as a 500 hour certified yoga teacher who has served Members of Congress, Congressional Staff, leading progressive organizations and individuals, sharing techniques for growing peace and ease as a foundation, not an afterthought.  He also advises yoga communities and the broader wellness industry on the importance of diversity and inclusion, opening the practice to all and eliminating exclusionary cultures and habits. 

His teaching practice is designed for all levels and lifestyles, the only thing required is an open mind. The focus of his teaching is to bring more peace and balance to activists AND to guide the wellness community toward being more engaged, concerned citizens. Achieving this balance is how we catalyze transformative change.

In addition to his yogic activities, Reggie has held many senior strategic and logistical roles across a variety of fields, ranging from global marketing, digital and community organizing, government relations, international education to Presidential campaigning.  He received a B.A. in philosophy from Yale University and an MBA in international strategy from the Vlerick Business School in Belgium.


For more information, please check out these resources:
Insight Timer
IG: @oreggieglobal
IG: @activepeaceyoga
TedX São Paulo: The Power of a Purposeful Pause
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@reggieglobal/videos


Support the Yale Club of Washington, DC

The Yale Club of Washington, DC offers this event to our members and alumni.  However, we do ask for your support in one or both of the following ways: 

1)      Please become a member if you are not one already

2)      Donate to the Yale Club of Washington, DC (see option on registration page). 

Membership dues and donations are both critical income sources for the Club, which enable Club operations, programs, and financial viability.


Contact: Caroline Drees - [email protected]